Financial Preparedness - Being Able to Weather the Storm

Diversification – You’ve heard us preach the wisdom of diversifying your financial assets. To be fully prepared to weather the storm you also have to diversify how you earn your income. You have to diversify the ways you earn money. Have some income streams that are passive and some that are active. This way if circumstances closes opportunity of earning income you always have another one of your income streams to rely on.


Paul Mladjenovic has been a frequent guest here on to share his expertise in the precious metals. But he is also an expert on the Stock Market. He has been educating his students and clients on both stock market investing and also building alternate income streams for over 30 years. He is planning  series of upcoming webinars to share his views on the market and where things are headed. Even with the stock market down there are some spectacular opportunities to profit.

I will have links to his latest Webinars here:

For the Tuesday evening, March 31, 2020 live webinar, the "virtual doors" will open at 715pm EST in case you want to get there early.


Paul Mladjenovic Webinar March 31, 2020 7:15

1. The webinar will start at 730pm and in the first 30 minutes Paul will give you a summary of  his view on what is going on, what I expect in the coming months, and some strategies to consider.

Because of heavy internet traffic to make the best use of the available internet bandwidth and give you the best experience participant videos will be off and audio will be muted..

2. After my commentary, audio will be unmuted the Q&A portion will be started. You can either speak your question or comment or enter your questions/comments on the chat portion that is visible to the hosts. There is no time limit for Q&A.

3. Immediately after the webinar, I will email a resource report (PDF) on health & financial concerns.

4. I will do more detailed seminars on the topics investing, speculating and home business in the new few weeks and you will be alerted via email.

5. If you want to get email notices of the upcoming webinars, our free Precious Metals Investing Buying guide and the newsletter which comes out approximatly once a week sign up at

4. If you have questions for Paul you want to submit for the webinar or questions you wanted to ask him after the webinar email him directy at:
[email protected].
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