APMEX President and Founder, Scott Thomas, provides an insight and overview of the precious metal ordering process at www.APMEX.com.

APMEX President and Founder, Scott Thomas, provides an insight and overview of the precious metal ordering process at www.APMEX.com.
@marinello6 Check out the “selling” section on the FAQ page of our site… it should tell you everything you need to know about selling to APMEX. Thanks!
What is you just want to sell Gold Coins? What is the procedure?
Thanx, will do.
@MYAR15SaysImFree – Check out the FAQ section of our site, specifically the section about shipping. It should clear up any questions you may have about our shipping methods and costs.
I just placed my first order with APMEX. I can’t wait till it arrives!! I’ll be like a little kid on Christmas morning! 😀
The only thing I dont like is the steep shipping prices. I paid 15 bucks for the shipment of 4 1oz rounds. It almost cost me an oz to mail 4. Alot of places have a $6 shipping fee, no matter how much you buy. But Apmex has some beautiful rounds.
Will you ever deliver to the United Kingdom?
Great News! Thanks !!!
Good news! From the APMEX (dot com) FAQ:
“Yes. We currently are now shipping to both the United States and to Canada . Our standard shipping rates will apply to all orders. However, there will be an additional International Shipping Surcharge of $10.00 (USD) on any orders being delivered outside of the United States.”
Let ‘er rip! =^[.]^=
Wanna Deliver to Canada?
That was a pretty sweet video. Looks like a rad place to work too.
Great to see an updated vid on your company!
I also love getting free market alert emails on price moves in precious metals. =^[.]^=