We received some circulated American Silver Eagle coins from some customers to be re-melted and made into new generic bullion rounds. Is Silver Just Silver or does it matter what type of silver you buy? These people believe it deosn’t matter!

We received some circulated American Silver Eagle coins from some customers to be re-melted and made into new generic bullion rounds. Is Silver Just Silver or does it matter what type of silver you buy? These people believe it deosn’t matter!
As i am typing this spot price is $19.70 AUD, i have just purchased 10 X 1oz Kookaburra Coins for $25.50 AUD, Which is a 22% Premium, having said this an Australian Bullion Dealer is Selling them for an Average of $29 AUD a Coin, I Consider myself lucky because i can source them a little cheaper then most Bullion Dealers advertise them for.
Either way im happy with my purchases as they come in a coin case straight out of the mint, to help keep them in Prime condition
i have a lot of silver maples. too much premium. silver’s for traders, a paper game. i expect it to get dumped down huge in a few months. within ten years i’d hope it gets to 25 but may sit in another 20 year coma at 12. silver sucks but is a cheap way to track gold. i have no faith in silver but a lot of faith in super criminal government and inflation. if dollar tanks gold rises and it’ll drag Ag, kicking and screaming in protest, with it.
@PraviBosanac I think you hit the nail on the head when you visualize being able to liquidate your silver when you buy it. I think everyone should do exactly the same when buying silver.
What kind of premiums do you pay on the perth mint products?
Silver is Silver
But i prefer Australian Perth Mint 1oz Kookaburra coins as they are well recognised and known internationally.
As far as i know there is no Counterfeits of the Perth Mint Coins.
When it comes down to the day when i need to part with my silver i like to know that it will be easy to sell due to reputation of the coin.
Lemme know what you think
Hi Mate,
Loved the video,
I think silver is silver to some extent, i personally buy the Australian Perth Mint Kookaburra 1oz Coins as they are well recognised even internationally, another aspect is that they are known for their quality and lack of counterfeits.
When it comes to the day where i need to sell the Silver away, i need to know it will be recognised internationally and that it is well known amongst Silver stacker’s and the like.
Lemme know what you think?
silver is silver. putting a fancy eagle on it won’t change anything.
There is an interesting whisleblower interview on KingWorldNews with metal trader Andrew Maquire. Topic: sliver rigging and manipulation, and the naked short selling of silver gold/futures contracts on the margin of 1:100. by JPM, HSBC and LMBA (Naked short selling, means not backed by anything, worthless empty iou’s) GATAorg and Jesse’s have tons of data on these topics.
ps I have bought fro QSB and am very pleased with their shining rounds and super service,
Silver is silver for me, but unfortunately not for my government. If you import or buy silver in a form which is not legal tender (ie; not American eagles or Canadian maple leafs) you are charged a 25% VAT (Value Added Tax) on your purchase.
This makes it more economically to get legal tender bullion coins for me. I live in the Norwegian nanny state.
Oh, and you seem young to have your own mint. Please tell us how you started this, or how you got into this industry. 🙂
@QualitySilverBullion well :0 lol im new to this business. Silver is way cheaper. So people would love to take advantage of this volatial market. But gold is to expensive so what is next SILVER. I see the gap closing between gold and silver. I hope it takes its time to go up, so we could all take advantage of the situation. As i write silver broke its 30 day high so I see more highs to come 😀 Do you invest in gold in these times!?
@QualitySilverBullion well :0 lol im new to this business. Silver is way cheaper. So people would love to take advantage of this volatial market. But gold is to expensive so what is next SILVER. I see the gap closing between gold and silver. I hope it takes its time to go up, so we could all take advantage of the situation. As i write silver broke its 30 day high so I see more highs to come 😀 Do you invest in gold in these times!?
@rooftop0rocketz Good Question rooftop0rocketz. There are people since the great depression that have said silver is running out. There are also those that say we have plenty left for our needs. I have always been able to get .999 silver to mint, so I am not yet convinced that the supply is a problem yet. The manipulation of the markets can only hold for so long before it cuts loose; and when it does we will see the minimization of the gap between gold and silver.
What’s your take on it?
@rooftop0rocketz The only way I can see a government confiscation of PMs happening is if they were to attempt to take the power away from the people. Otherwise I agree with you that a new fiat currency would be introduced.
@qualitysilverbullion But do you, as a silver dealer, think that silver is becoming sacrce? In your opinion, is silver going to go to it’s 1 to 16 ratio with gold, be so nice to tell us the truth. Thanks. 🙂
@QualitySilverBullion from what I know is that the original goverment confictation of metals in the depression was bullion and rounds I belive. But I do agree with you that the government could and will do anything in a really bad situation if they want to, by then we are all screwed 🙁 I really don’t think they would do that anymore cause the world uses the current fiat money system they would just give us a new currency by the IMF.
@rooftop0rocketz Do you have more information stating that “The eagle can’t be taken away because it’s legal tender?” If you do please let me know. Thanks for your comment!
I’m not sure I understand what you said. I would think that because it is legal tender, it is government property. That means that the government has the right to recall what is theirs, which excludes privately minted rounds. To be honest, if the government took such drastic measures to recall silver, they probably wouldn’t delineate between where the silver came from. If that were to happen I assume it would be in a very desperate situation worldwide.
i would love to chat about all things silver
If the government were to call in all bullion and rounds. The eagle can’t be taken away because it’s legal tender. 🙂
People who accumulate small amounts at a time really like the low shipping and discounts.
Buying from APMEX in small amounts really adds to the price per coin.
Looking forward to my 1st purchase at QSB.
Does a minter have to get any certifications on the quality of the bullion? Or is a mint built up on progressive reputation?
just wondering.
One thing people aren’t doing is thinking! In a economic collapse & dollar is NO longer accepted. Trying to barter to a shop owner with a 10,100 or 1000 oz silver bar or gold will be difficult.
1. They are not metals dealers & may not want the hassle of that hunk of metal as they do not own a foundry, they are SHOP OWNERS!
A junk silver quarter, dime…etc or 1 oz pure liberty or maple for example will have its melt value as well as its monetary value & is easily circulated among the public.
Hey JIm, how are you? Great job with the vids and quality silver. Just wanted to ask your thoughts in regards to me reselling QSB silver when the time is right.
. Where should I head to get my funds, do you feel that most buyers will recognize and accept and veiw it they would a ASE coins?
We only work with .999+ fine silver, therefore we wouldn’t be able to melt it. Well we can melt it for you, but it wouldn’t separate the pure silver from the other materials. See the conversation below with peicemakerSS22. Thanks for your question and I’m sorry that it’s probably not the answer you wanted to hear. Take Care!
1. i have 6 old quarters that contains 90% silver can i send them in to you to remelt if so how? thank you.
Again that’s just my opinion, and I hope it helps a little. Actually If it were me I would hold on to the coins altogether if they are pre-1964, but if you need to liquidate that is all up to you. Sorry for the long reply!
I would not melt them down if it were me. They have to be dated 1964 or earlier to be 90% silver. When you melt the coins it doesn’t separate the pure silver from the other materials, and unfortunately I haven’t seen a huge market for 90% pure silver bars. Once you melt it a coin dealer won’t have a way to tell the purity unless he does some tests on it. Personally I would keep the coin as is. Coin dealer might be the best place to sell, but classified adds or ebay might get you the most money.