In this episode of spare change we look at the American Silver Eagle. The history behind this silver coin is very interesting along with the investment potential. We also discuss what to collect from the American Silver Eagles. This is a coin that anyone can collect. The coupon can be used at APMEX code “sparechange06” expires 7

wow…. man…. learned alot… I am in a new program and I will receive a lot of american eagles. I will also be able to get bars and eventually gold coins and bars.
@kensho3 lol why not are they gonna brainwash me , nahe i know about that freaky stuff its only a bad symbol if you see it as such
I like the effects
Your videos are so helpful, I learned so much thanks and keep doing what your doing =)
cool video
Awesome video 🙂
Oh, this is great, i love the beginig!
The Third Reich produced millions of 90% silver bullion coins. Each Nazi 5 Reichsmark coin weighed 13.88 g and contained exactly 12.5 g of fine silver. Almost half an ounze of silver in each coin. These coins are still readily available today! And besides their inherant value as silver bullion, they are also genuine Third Reich collectables thus adding to their value!
lol cool
Silver American Eagles are my Favorite coins ever. I Just got a 2010 for my Birthday on February 8
i doesn’t noe appropriate grammar
there should be a class on this stuff, i’d get an A+++
they didn’t make morgans in 1906. 1904 they stopped then they did it once more in 1921
Much Praise most be set forth for South Africa for they are the first to coin gold bullion pieces – uniquely enough such coins attain no face value. South Africa Gold is the pinnacle of ambience for abundance in the world. The last time the U.S. Mint minted silver dollars was 1964 whereas 200,000 Peace Dollar Variety pieces were struck at the Denver Mint but matters prompted the Silver Dollars to be melted and it’s a certainty that none escaped the Mint – A certainty I question.
whoa! that really cool!
Get these at
@silversnowball o com/1997
sell 2 get one- sell a hundred make 50.
Just promote my page.
I am commenting on everyone of your videos!
I wonder how much silver will keep going up in 2010; right now its about $18.62 dollars per ounce.
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