$10,000 Gold Price & $700 Silver Price- Gary Christenson
Deviant Investor’s Gary Christenson is interviewed on SGTReport to discuss his new book Gold Value and Gold Prices From 1971 – 2021: An Empirical Model Gary’s empirical model projects a Gold price of $10,000 by the year 2021 and a Silver price any where from 0 – $700. Gary notes that these numbers are based on simple mathematical projections using current levels of government spending which will undoubtedly continue unabated. Gary’s conservative empirical model does NOT even factor in the possibility of US debt default, Weimar-style hyperinflation of the Dollar or other dramatic economic catastrophes.Interestingly Gary is not alone in his high evaluation for the precious metals. There are several other prominent precious metals experts who are forecasting similar high gold prices and silver prices
Gary talks about real wealth, counter party risk, market manipulation, the gold to silver ratio and the effect on prices.
The antidote to the market manipulation and paper market is to purchase physical precious metals.Gary’s website:
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The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in my videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence (DD) BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.
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Proverbs 11:4
Maybe you can make fantastic gains with good junior mining stocks. Lets say you invest 100 Dollar in Silver – this will bring you maybe 6000 Dollar if the silverprice rises to 1000 Dollar. On the other side, if you invest this into the currently depressed juniormining stocks – you can maybe make 100.000 Dollar, because of the leverage. http://gebert-trade.weebly.com/my-predictions.html
Thank you for sharing please also visit to start selling gold as an afliate today! https://goo.gl/sFWHlf
To use the dollar as the benchmark for the future value of gold and silver is really no information at all. I must imagine these values are being given in anticipation to hyperinflation of the dollar. Perhaps real estate or durable goods may be a better benchmark on which to put your estimate of the true value of metals in the future.
Regardless, if hyperinflation hits the dollar, I'm sure that those who own precious metals will surely fare better than those who own fiat currency.
If this is true, then in the year 2021, I could sell all my bullion and I'll get 2,494,201$ exactly
Check-out The GVA Club [http://www.gvaclub.com] for Expert-Guaranteed [not robotic] FOREX [Currency] Trading by Joint-Venture….
street vendor
Long term Dr Jim Willie may be right – though somewhat a little hyperbolic. We disagree with his timing on Silver Prices. Here's why :
Look at Greece their poor af after their economy collapsed
Hi all,Gary has written a new book which we will pump now. We will claim "they" are full of lies and deceptions which we will expose by bigger lies and claims in order to sell this book.
To get you to believe , I am a scientist. You were crap at science right? So don't argue.
After that, to get you excited we will make absurd claims like "gold $10,000"
Buy my book suckers.