
Deutsche Bank Tries To Explain Why It Did Not Deliver Physical Gold

Here at we have featured several videos about Deutche Bank’s admission of guilt in the silver manipulation scheme. In the settlement the were charged a paltry few millions while some commentators estimate the profits from these manipulation schemes made Billions. As part of the settlement they gave investigators 33,000 pages of documents that purportedly […]

Deutsche Bank Tries To Explain Why It Did Not Deliver Physical Gold Read More »

Deutsche Bank Profit Plunges 98% – The Worst Is Yet To Come

Deutsche Bank Profit Plunges 98% and the Worst Is Yet To Come  according to an article at Zero Hedge. We’ve featured several videos here that talked about Deutsche bank’s manipulation of the silver market in conjunction with other major banks. What was really surprising given how long this theft went on was that Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank Profit Plunges 98% – The Worst Is Yet To Come Read More »

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