Watch full Keiser Report №99 on Tuesday. This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at the scandals of silver shortages and quitting the dollar. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Paul Mladjenovic, author of Precious Metals for Dummies, about silver market manipulation. RT on Facebook: RT on Twitter:

Stacy does look more – fluffed up – but I’m no expert
While reading their last vid’s comments – I thought Stacy did a tiger growl
But scrolling up and rewinding – it was Max interrupting – which for some reason was a mild disappointment
@HumanityWins – don’t tweet that 🙂
Rumor has it that TeeVee’s Jim Kramer rides home each night curled up fetal like in the back of his limo. Kramer is the anti-Keiser
drjudywood is right. The Twin Towers were Dustified. Satan’s kids have Tesla Technology and are using it to generate fear instead of Free Energy.
@1967jrewing I 100% agree with that. But they sure get mad over trivia.
@jkepic25 I’ve been studying things like this for decades. Very true. Most Americans are beyond gullible. They refuse to think. Weed is another thing pushed by the old KGB. It makes people passive and more easily controlled yet they are still function and useful to state.
@syyenergy7 In Russia they use alcohol. To dumb down and control.
It would be cool to have some documents what KGB/CIA did using cannabis. Personally I don’t buy into that weed makes you “passive” and easily controlled (as I smoke alot and I am neither passive or easily controlled (I don’t pay taxes and work and so on)-diametrally oposed to common mantra).
Weed is used as a tool of repression and demoralization. You smoke weed you gonna get mistreatment by police and judical system.
@jkepic25 Well I agree with you there, the punishments for weed are stupid and satanically repressive. You are intelligent. Just watch that stuff. Because in larger amounts it certainly appears to take it’s toll. Hemp does a many , many outstanding uses and I’m for it in many areas that would replace petroleum products or using the hemp oil and seed and protein for medical and nutrition.
@syyenergy7 Thank you for nice words.
Sometimes person needs a break from it, I agree. 🙂 Take care
…when the “official” report admitted that fires raged on floors ‘8,’ ’13,’ ’21,’ and ‘infinity.” Thanks, Max…from all of us, for bein’ an inadvertant stoolie.
my mom is a MiLF
fucking RT being biased again
i never realised it to this day. it was barzinni all along…
George Bush did it to cover up his complicity in causing hurricane Katrina. Them damn republicans went out in the ocean with a bunch of big fans and blowed that hurricane over to New Orleans cause Bush secretly owns a company that builds camper trailers. And what’s more I heard from very good Democrat sources that Timothy McVeigh was actually Bush’s illegitimate son by Sarah Palin. Yep, it’s all starting to come together now, there really IS a “vast right wing conspiracy”. I KNEW IT !!!!
@ScorpiusIncorruptus the fires were out… shit for brains.
why don’t demolition companies just start fires in buildings and wait for them to collapse straight down? wait, that’s because a fire CAN’T MAKE THAT HAPPEN!
@TTok33 Actually, that’s not true. They talk a LOT about the problems the US is facing. NOT saying that either news station is nothing more than credulous information, NOT credible, but FOX doesn’t attack Russia like RT does to the US.
@jchou71 yeah the FOX is famous for NOT attacking Russia :-)))
Sometimes they fuck up so bad trying to shit on us that I laugh my ass off.
Just look up “ossetian girl on fox news”
I love that this guy won’t kowtow to corporate myths and keeps bringing up the inside job we call 9/11. Another Truth Teller doing what Truth Tellers do best.
a 767 and some fuel wouldn`t do shit to that building.
you need Mossad and & lots of carefully placed explosives. This method have been proven very effective.
Come on Maximus Ceasar give it up! Tell us all you know not just what you want us to know.
@HumanityWins rofl ur a fucking moron. go kill ur self plz
I would bet way more then 100,000 files are “missing” lol
F = 6th letter in english alphabet
O = 15th; 5+1 = 6
X = 24th; 2+4 = 6
FOX = 666
faux = false; untrue