Jim Puplava is a Certified Financial Planner, he is the Founder & President of the Puplava Financial Group of Companies, and he’s host of the popular Financial Sense Newshour show Financial Sense Newshour since 1987! Jason Burack of WallStForMainSt interviews Jim
Jim Puplava’s full bio can be found here: James Puplava Biography
During this 30+ minute interview, Jason starts off by asking Jim why he thinks gold & gold stocks have rebounded so much since December?
Jim Puplava talks about negative interest rates. He feels it is very good, in his opinion, for gold and gold stocks.
Jason and Jim discuss the gold market. The market is so small that money managers moving into gold can cause big moves in a short amount of time.
Next, Jason asks Jim about the state of the global economy. Jim feels the global economy is slowing down and he expects the US to enter into a recession soon with official US government economic statistics.
Jason then asks Jim what, in his opinion, the US shale oil boom has done to peak oil.
Jason and Jim Puplava discuss the global economy further including the European banking crisis, whether China will need to bailout their state owned banks or state municipalities and whether the stock market will crash?
Jim thinks financial repression and NIRP is forcing people looking for income into stocks. That’s preventing stocks from crashing. Jim Doesn’t expect the stock market to crash in the next 6-12 months unless something major happens.
Jason and Jim also discuss how government is making many problems worse in society and the economy, especially his home state of California.
Please visit the Wall St for Main St website here: Wall St For Main St.
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Visit Jim Puplava’s Resource page for lnks to his site and to find out more about the services he offers.
Visit Jason Burack’s Resource page to find links to his site and find out more about the services he offers.
George Soros estimated that it would take 300 basispoints to cut ourself out of the next recession.
quarterly nominal GDP in the USA is 0.9%
CPI in real space is above 2%(my est)
meanwhile the Fed targets a 0,25/0,50% funds rate.
how are we gonna refinance 19.450.000.000.000,00 under a 3% compounded rate even if we finance short-term?
where can I get charts for paper silver shorts and longs, all anyone ever talks about are the shorts, but am I correct in my understanding that paper longs match the paper shorts, I googled this and could find almost nothing. thank you for your time
the best helicopter action as I can see it would be to give it to students to blow or loose it during their year. Believe me I know they will spend it as fast as they can and this will filter right through the economy. and yes you will have your inflation and then interest rates can become positive to balance. Im not an economist but it seems that central banks buying what ever it is they buy dosnt help small business like mine ;)
Very good show, however this guy might be right so what are we to think? Maybe 5 to 10 more years with this mediocrity and torture of no real value in your investments being realized?
I've never seen a time in our lives which is so terrifying and it's all because of central bank mischief. Based on this interview it may never stop?
time for a new paradigm https://www.facebook.com/UnderstandingMore/videos/921886301272552/
Seems more like the age of Financial democide. I've seen a pretty good summation of our on going global financial crisis in the video Crazy – a story of debt by grant Williams.
great interview
"Without stimulus, the economy is basically on life support." Strong quote! Intelligent interview, thank you.
Another good interview. A do like to listen to your channel and your guests appearances on the other channels. You should get together with V the guerrilla economist for a chat that would be fun.
Excellent guest, with a different perspective.
Love your videos! But please work on improving the audio quality, sometimes it's quite difficult to listen to and distracts away from the otherwise golden information.
Very good interview.
Jason You ever do greg hunters show? I think you would be a perfect guest on there and it would have to be good exposure.