As I reported in last week’s newsletter our plans were to upgrade the website to better provide for your security. Our installation of an ssl certificate is now complete. This means that you now have end to end encryption that will protect you from prying eyes.
You will now notice in your browser bar that the url for the Precious Metals Investing homepage is now You will still be directed to the website if you use, etc. You will see the green secure logo in the browser bar the same as other sites you trust such as Amazon, Google,PayPal, etc. This indicates that the end to end encryption is protecting you.
So as far as your user experience goes you should see no change except that now the communication between you computer and will be more secure and protect your data.
As with any upgrade there is always the chance that some of the older plugins or software I use here at https://preciousmetalsinvesting may no longer work. If you notice anything that is not working right or not working in the way that you expect please send an email to me at [email protected] and I’ll correct any problems as soon as possible.