Stock Investing for Dummies- Video- Paul Mladjenovic
Paul Mladjenovic is a frequent guest here at www.preciousmetalsinvesting.com He is the author of several books such as Stock Investing For Dummies and a book recommended several times here Precious Metals Investing For Dummies
In this video Paul talks about his book Stock Investing For Dummies. He is interviewed by Stefan Molyneux of Freedom Radio. In this interview Stefan and Paul Mladjenovic discuss the basics of investing. They discuss the fundamentals of stock buying, dividends, starting with small amounts of money, how money grows over time, tax challenges and more.
Get more from Stefan Molyneux and Freedom Radio including books, podcasts and other info at: http://www.freedomainradio.com
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This is talk about a very defensive safe growth strategy with stocks. With only a little capital I have put my money in the jm penny stok sector in about 12 companies and I've made over 100% since January and more gains to come. I believe "trading" a new emerging sector is pretty safe. But you must learn to manage greed an be happy to sell. I personally love doin research and taking risk so a more aggressive/risky strategy is what I like
This is really inspiring. I've never thought seriously of investing in stocks before but this sounds like a fun useful thing to keep bubbling on the back burner. Thanks
how can you support investing when our money is a ticking time bomb
Really informative and never saw anything like this, for us average folks who do not have much money. Great vid, thanks!
Loved this show, thank you Stefan!
Are you two in the same room?? =L
Am lookung to get into investing, thanks for this video
I wonder if there is any way to keep these nice dividends in kind of a non-taxable lock box where you can't really spend it, but don't get taxes either…
Stefan Molyneux and Paul Mladjenovic discuss the basics of investing including, the fundamentals of stock buying, dividends, starting with small amounts of money, how money grows over time, tax challenges and much much more.
I have to disagree with this guy, trading on the stocks is really gambling for the rich who want build there net worth. It's not for the average joe.
buy some bullets
Hmmmm, very interesting. I never knew that I could start investing with such little amounts.
You can invest in someone else's business, or you can invest in your own. Stocks vs your own business.
In one case you buy stocks, do basically no work BUT have no control over any decisions.
If you start a business, you work AND have near total control.
I wasn't interested in pushing paper around, ie option #1, investing. I also think they know more than we the public do. You are the last guy to get paid if things go poorly in another person's company.
So, I learned a trade. Spent years working. I enjoyed it.
Now, I am doing well after starting my own business.
If you want to make a million in 3 years, this isn't for you. Good luck.
But…..if you want:
satisfaction in a job well done,
making the world a better place – tangibly,
security because you now have real skills – or a license, certification, diploma – whatever,
and very good income,
then it is awesome.
It is not that hard at all.
Have the humility to learn the ropes from another company. Go work for them = Get paid while you learn!
Then do your own business.
Now this was a great interview. Very informative and I actually learned something.
Please do one about entrepreneurship!
Glad this vid came out after one of your callers had ask if you had any advice for his $1,000 to invest in I was hoping you would have either Peter Schiff or someone along those lines talk about some average joe investments
Open a package store!
To the new generation growing up:
Invest in yourself, build for yourself, grow for yourself
Stay away from the system, it is rigged to fleece you