In today’s interview we get to talk with David Morgan, the Silver Guru. David is a sought after speaker at financial and precious metal conferences. David is one of the top precious metals experts in the world today. He’s been studying the precious metals market for over thirty years. Especially in today’s volitile investment climate investing in Precious Metals should be an essential part of your investment strategy. In today’s interview David talks about his background in the precious metals market and his in depth research on mining stocks. He shares with us research and insight on where the precious metals and silver prices are today and his expectations for the future. One of David’s particular areas of expertise is precious metals mining stocks. He shares with us some of his research and where he feels we are today in the mining stock market cycle. In this wide ranging interview we also discuss physical silver. David feels that purchasing physical silver bullion should be the foundation of your silver investments. We discuss some of the forms of silver bullion that are most attractive to investors today. We discuss market manipulation in the silver markets, its affects on prices now and expectations for the future.
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