Precious Metals investing for Dummies

Suspicious Statistics Will Destroy Your Investment Goals

In this video from we discuss the suspicious statistics being disseminated by various government agencies that can cause precious metals investors to make decisions that can destroy their investment goals. Brought to you by your host Ted Sudol and our guest, Paul Mladjenovic we discuss three important statistics many investors base their investment decisions

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Did the Gold Standard Lead to the Great Depression or is that just Keynesian Claptrap?

Paul Mlajenovic, author of Precious Metals Investing For Dummies, goes on a rant about a recent article written by a financial pundit who claims the “defects” of the gold standard are what lead to the Great Depression. As Visitors to (and our long time fans at know we are are long term advocates

Did the Gold Standard Lead to the Great Depression or is that just Keynesian Claptrap? Read More »

Precious Metals Profit From Election Year Hi-jinks

Election Year Hijinks Can Supercharge Your Precious Metals Investing Profits. Ted Sudol from and Paul Mladjenovic, author of “Precious Metals Investing for Dummies” explain the whys of this profit opportunity. Whether they are Democrats or Republicans we all know that incumbent politicians love to stay in power. They will do what they can to

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